To demonstrate video transmission with low bit-rate communication devices, I need to grab image from webcam and encode it in H.264 video format and send it through devices.
The target is sending 320 x 240 video in 100 kbps transmission speed.
To prototype it, I configured following demo sequences:
The target is sending 320 x 240 video in 100 kbps transmission speed.
To prototype it, I configured following demo sequences:
- streaming H.264 video from a webcam
I chose the ffmpeg tool. - playing streaming video
I chose the VLC player.
RTP streaming
To capture video with ffmpeg, it need to find webcam device name.
ffmpeg -list_devices true -f dshow -i dummy
After I found a device name, "USB HD Webcam" in my case, I could run a ffmpeg.
The '' is an IP address of PC where a VLC player run.
ffmpeg -s 320x240 -f dshow -i video="USB HD Webcam" -r 2 -an -f rtp rtp:// -r 2 -minrate 10k -maxrate 10k -an -vcodec h264
To play RTP stream with a VLC player, it needs a SDP file.
A ffmpeg outputs SDP lines for that, I grab those lines and made text file with file extension .sdp.
Playing RTP streaming with VLC player
Finally, I run a VLC player and open the SDP file.